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Our new reporting software allows our clients to access their testing reports at any time from

all testing reports from 3/1/2020 and forward will be available for viewing or download.

If you need field reports prior to 3/1/2020, please contact your Geocon project manager for assistance.


GEOCON Professional Services is a full-service engineering firm with specialties in geotechnical engineering, construction inspection, hot-mix-asphalt services, and subcontract drilling services. We stand on the character and extensive experience of our professional team, working together to provide you with prompt, and accurate engineering services at competitive rates.

Geotechnical Engineering

GEOCON provides a wide range of geotechnical engineering services, subsurface exploration and evaluations, and soil drilling and testing to assist clients in managing underground risk.


Hot Mix Asphalt Surface & Testing

Our hot-mix-asphalt (HMA) services include, quality control/quality assurance HMA field and plant testing, and inspection. AASHTO accredited quality assurance laboratory testing, and mix design.

Construction Testing and Inspection

We are IDOT and INDOT Certified for inspection and testing of hot-mix-asphalt, concrete, aggregates, and soils.



Drilling Services


GEOCON drilling services include subsurface explorations, pressure meter testing, well installation, groundwater pump tests, auger and rotary drilling, rock coring, and more.

GEOCON Professional Services office located in Frankfort, Illinois for Chicago area engineering services. GEOCON specializes in geotechnical engineering, construction inspection services, hot-mix-asphalt services, and subcontract drilling services.

Geotechnical Engineering

By investing in a geotechnical evaluation, we save you precious time and money, helping you design the project you want. Prevent costly delays and change orders by finding the hidden subsurface problems before construction.


Drilling Services

We work hard to accommodate your tight schedules, providing accurate data, and providing our expertise to offer exploration and sampling options that meet your budget constraints.


Laboratory Testing

Our laboratory testing is available through our Frankfort office location. We thoroughly evaluate samples for our clients through a variety of testing services. 


Construction Testing

& Inspection

Ensuring your project is built the way you want is what we do, helping you get it done right the first time, reducing costs and saving time. We are your "eyes and ears" on the job, leveraging our expertise and flexibility to ensure your project is built per your specifications.

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